Support us

New Ark Needs You!

As a community-based charity we need your support with donations, volunteering, fundraising, and more!


Can you help with any of the following?


Repairs and maintenance materials e.g. paint, nails, screws and small hardware, wood for woodwork and den building, tools, tyres and rope.

Craft and cooking materials e.g. baking ingredients, wool, sewing and embroidery thread, needles and pins, card and paper, boxes for junk modelling, shaving foam, catalogues and magazines to cut up, pens, paint, glue, sequins, etc.

Items for day-to-day use e.g. antibacterial hand wash, non-bio washing powder, antibacterial washing up liquid, bleach, baby wipes, biscuits, squash, bread (for teas), cheese spread, peanut butter, jam, etc. (for teas).

Financial support – If you wish to make a financial donation either regularly or as a one-off you can do this online at New Ark Play Association | Localgiving  – please remember to Gift Aid it!


Organise your own fundraiser in aid of New Ark. You could do a sponsored something, hold a tea party, collect 20ps in a tube, raffle off toys, and lots more.

Help out at one of our fundraising events. We always need people to help man the stalls, make the teas, bring cakes and biscuits, put up posters, and more.


Can you commit regular hours to help on our farm, in our office, or work directly with children?

Can you provide ad-hoc support? Would you like to join our register of people who can help out now and then? We’ll contact you when we need people to organise a fundraiser, repair equipment, put up posters, or other short tasks.

Would you like to help manage our charity?  We are actively seeking new trustees who have enthusiasm for New Ark – we especially need people with skills and experience in business and project management, HR, IT, finance, marketing and fundraising.