AGM – 21 October 2020

This year, we’re going online with our AGM!

If you’re interested in finding out how we’re doing and want to play a part in shaping our future plans Join us on Zoom

7 – 8 pm Wednesday 21 October
Meeting Code : 818 1234 0368
Password : 571226

New Ark update 3 August 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is having a massive impact on New Ark. Our income has dropped and we have been unable to run our usual fundraisers. Here is the latest update:

  • We are not able to run the recently advertised all day childcare summer provision, as uptake was low and we could not make it work financially. We have instead organised 2 afternoon playground sessions a week, which are fully booked. We will advertise on Facebook if any spaces become available.
  • We are unable to accept any visitors to our playground/city farm this summer. We need to minimise the risk of coronavirus transmission, and get our main building ready for September so we can fully reopen the preschool.
  • Currently it looks like we will be unable to offer our afterschool club in September. We take children from different schools, classes and age groups, and would need to separate them into the same “bubbles” as their school day.
  • We are currently planning how we can run a holiday club during October half term and the associated costs.

We thank everyone for their patience. The volunteer management committee of New Ark are looking carefully at our future, and we will need to make some tough decisions going forward. If you have any offers of help or ideas please do get in touch with us on 01733 340605.

2020 Ofsted inspection

Dear Parents and Carers,

New Ark was inspected by Ofsted on 3 March 2020. The inspector was very impressed by the quality of the provision for our children and rated us as ‘Good’ in terms of the Quality of Education provided, the Behaviour and Attitudes of our children and the opportunities we provide for our children’s Personal Development.

We are extremely proud of the hard work and commitment of Sam, Carolyn, Linda, Sarah and their talented teams; who achieved these results through delivery of such a high standard of care to our children, and work extremely hard to provide exciting and stimulating play and development opportunities. Thank you also to the parents and carers who spoke to the Inspector and provided very positive feedback.

We were bitterly disappointed however, to be rated as ‘Requires Improvement’ overall, which was solely due to an administrative misunderstanding which led to us being marked down in the area of Leadership and Management. All of our Directors completed the necessary DBS checks and Ofsted online registration documentation as required; but Ofsted returned one of the applications because we hadn’t yet registered the individual on Companies House. However Ofsted didn’t notify us that this was an issue. We subsequently registered the individual on Companies House in the belief that Ofsted had accepted their application, but Ofsted still omitted to advise us that there was any issue until the day that the inspector attended for the inspection. We rectified the issue immediately on the day of the Inspection, and have attempted to challenge Ofsted’s rating; however while the Inspector acknowledged that in all other respects New Ark’s managers and Management Committee were committed, diligent and passionate about promoting high standards, they would not revise their rating. We have asked for a re-inspection at the earliest opportunity in order that we can achieve the overall ‘Good’ rating that New Ark deserves, but are likely to have to wait up to six months for this.

Turning back to all of the positive aspects of the Inspector’s findings, I have set out below their feedback about the excellent work they observed in our pre-school;

What is it like to attend this early years setting?
Children learn and play in a safe and suitable environment. They are cared for by adults whose suitability to work with children has been verified. Children show motivation and a willingness to learn. They approach activities with enthusiasm and welcome staff’s guidance and interaction in their play.

Children are excited to visit the small farm on site and learn how to care for the animals there. They know to be gentle when they stroke and hold rabbits and guinea pigs. Children gain an understanding of recycling as they bring the food waste from the pre-school to the farm for the compost bin.

Children in the pre-school form close friendships. They greet each other enthusiastically and show kindness when others need help. For example, some children help others to zip up their coats when they struggle with the task. Children happily engage in conversation with staff and their friends. They behave well and show good awareness of the daily routines. Children respond well to positive praise from staff for their achievements.

What does the early years setting do well?

Children enjoy the company of the adults who care for them and close relationships have formed. They seek them out to look at books together in the cosy book area and easily approach staff when they need reassurance or a cuddle. Staff encourage children’s independence, such as learning to dress themselves for outdoor play.

Staff plan for children’s interests. Managers monitor children’s progress and ensure assessment is used effectively to help children make good progress. Staff are flexible in their approach and take good advantage of spontaneous learning opportunities. For example, some children sitting on blocks remark that they are taller than a member of staff. This leads to discussions about who is really the tallest and measuring themselves on a post to compare.

Children successfully use a variety of tools and materials to play creatively. For example, they use brushes to style their dolls hair at the ‘hairdressers’. Children use their hands to explore ‘gloop’. They are fascinated by the solid texture in the tray that changes to liquid as it trickles down their hand.

Staff are focused on developing children’s language and communication skills. They engage children in conversation and sing songs every day. Children are interested in books and listen intently to stories. They learn to recognise their name as they self-register on arrival and at snack time.

Children have excellent opportunities to be physically active and engage in risky play, which they learn to manage well. They climb, balance and swing with confidence on challenging physical play equipment, such as high balancing beams and bars.
Children’s progress is regularly shared with parents and they are encouraged to help further support their learning at home. For example, parents participate in a library lending book scheme to encourage reading and promote speech. They attend regular stay and play sessions. Parents comment positively that staff are warm, caring and approachable.

Children can count. They confidently write numbers on a chalk board. Children recognise shapes in their environment and can use shapes to make a pattern with sponges and paints. At snack time children are further encouraged to create a pattern with fruit for their fruit kebab.

Managers, supervisors and staff are committed to providing a quality childcare service and work well as a team. Staff engage in regular supervision meetings and their well-being is given careful consideration.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff understand the procedures to follow should they have any safeguarding concerns about children in their care or the adults who care for them. This includes wider safeguarding concerns, such as the risks associated with radicalisation. They attend child protection training to ensure their knowledge and understanding is regularly refreshed. Recruitment for staff who work directly with the children are robust.

As you can see, New Ark continues to be a place where children are nurtured, supported and empowered to achieve their potential. I hope that despite the overall rating, you are reassured from the details of the inspection report that everyone at New Ark is committed to delivering a high quality learning environment where all of our children feel happy and cared for.

You can view the full report once published at the Ofsted website – go to, click on Find an Inspection Report and search for New Ark Play Association. You can also look at the standards that we are measured against by typing ‘Ofsted Early Years Inspection Handbook’ into your search engine.

Jo Curphey
New Ark Play Management Committee

Preschool Newsletter – 19 June 2020

A warm hello to all our families

We hope you are all managing to stay safe and well and keeping your little ones entertained.

This month we celebrate preschool’s 50th birthday and in time we hope to welcome you all back to share this special occasion with us. For those children leaving us and going to school in September we will be arranging a Teddies Bear Picnic when we are allowed to do so and will contact you with a date.

To help keep your children entertained and for those children going to school here are some helpful links:
National Literacy Trust

On the Peterborough City Council website, you can find a useful guide about preparing your child ready for school, this can be found under ‘School Readiness’. There are also some other useful contacts and further links which may be of some help to you.

Please let us know if you need any further advice or support with regard to your children being school ready or any other area of concern. We will then post the information you have requested to you.

Steve, one of our committee members and a volunteer named Hazel have kindly been sharing stories on our Facebook page. Recently they have both had to take some time off but will be back soon with further stories, rhymes and news about our farm and the animals especially Lorna the rabbit who within the last two weeks has had a baby. We will be putting a picture on Facebook soon.

As you are all aware, NewArk has been closed for up to 11 weeks and we have not been able to do our fundraisers one of which was our Easter Egg Hunt and this month we would be looking forward to our June event. As a charity, fundraising plays an important role in achieving the ongoing security of NewArk. If any of our parents have ideas or know of any funding opportunities that can help us to try and make a difference to the money that we have lost through this pandemic, please contact us on 340605.

Stay safe.

Samantha Brown

Easter hunt

Our usual Good Friday Easter Hunt fundraiser cannot take place this year, and so the staff and volunteers at New Ark have assembled this small collection of egg hunt and colouring activities on an Easter theme.

If you attend our preschool, or are a regular in our after school/holiday playground setting, then look out for a surprise egg that might be coming your way in the post. We hope you enjoy it.

Happy Easter everyone!

Preschool Newsletter – 6 April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope you are all well and keeping safe.

It is a very challenging time and we hope that it will not be long before we can see you and the children at New Ark again.

We are monitoring the situation on a daily basis, but unfortunately these are unprecedented times and we are unsure when we will be able to return. We understand that you may have questions to ask, these can be sent to our email address:

We have put together some information to help you through this difficult time ahead and here are some useful links for you and your children:

For those parents that are preparing their children for starting school in September here are some useful links:

For those children who will be returning in September, we will be in contact as soon as we can to offer additional hours.

We are also hoping that we will be able to still do a teddy bears’ picnic before or during the summer holidays, but this will depend on the current situation. Eventually when we do return, we will have a party not only to say hello to our children and parents, but also to mark the 50-year birthday of preschool.

A reminder to parents who claim 30 hour funding for their child to renew your code.

If there is any further support that you may need please email us.

Take care and stay safe.

Yours sincerely

Jo Curphey
New Ark Play Association Ltd
Management Committee Chair

Vacancy – forest school practitioner

Are you Forest School trained and looking for an exciting new challenge?

We are seeking to develop and expand our existing Eco Centre provision and are looking for an enthusiastic, creative and innovative person to lead on this.

Key Skills:

  1. The ideal candidate should hold a full and relevant level 3 qualification, have EYFS Framework knowledge and understanding and experience of working with children 4 years of age and under.
  2. To have excellent communication skills and an organised approach to their work as written records of work and observations will need to be recorded. It will include contributing towards learning journals and planning of sessions.
  3. To have a flexible approach and to lead a small team promoting learning activities in our Eco Centre.
  4. To help in developing our creative curriculum and to continue to promote our ethos in providing positive learning and play experiences in a safe, caring and adventurous environment.
    Hours: 22.5 hours per week. (Term Time only)

Closing date: 18th March 2020

For more information and an application form please contact: Samantha Brown (Manager) on (01733) 340605.

New Ark Play Association is an independent charity based in Eastfield, Peterborough. We provide stimulating play opportunities for children of all ages and our facilities include a traditional Adventure Playground, Eco Centre and City Farm.

New Ark Play Association Ltd is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All applicants for this role will be required to undergo pre-employment screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service (UK).

Christmas Bazaar 23rd November 2019

Our fundraising Christmas Bazaar is an annual tradition, with hot food, children’s activities, outdoor play and the city farm. Entrance is by silver donation. Please help us advertise by printing out and putting up this poster somewhere that it will be seen.

Other ways you can help with our fundraising:
* Make donations of chocolate, bottles of drink and toiletries for our hamper and raffle.
* Bake homemade cakes for our cake stall; please include a list of ingredients.
* Help us spread the word by inviting your friends/sharing the event.
* Attend the event and have lots of fun!

Planned activities include:

Main building 12-3pm Activities include * treasure hunt * cake stall * gift tombola * children’s tombola * soft toy stall * chocolate tombola. We also have refreshments for sale, including hot food

Adventure playground 12-3pm Open for playing dependent on weather

City Farm – open 12.30-3pm * feeding our animals * sponsor an animal * buy reindeer food, and more

Father Christmas
This year Santa’s grotto will be located in our Eco Centre between 12.30 and 2.30pm. Tickets are on sale from week commencing 11 November for £3 to include a small gift. If you want to guarantee having an age-appropriate gift/rough timeslot then please prebook by calling Sam or Sally on 01733 340605. A few tickets may be available on the day of the bazaar.

Open Day 5 October 2019 11am-1pm

Help to spread the word about New Ark! Invite your friends to come and visit during our annual community open day on Saturday 5th October 2019 11am-1pm, with entry by silver donation. Or download a copy of our poster and put it on display somewhere that parents will see it.

All areas of New Ark will be open including our city farm, eco centre, play support building and of course our playground. Come and see our history trail, meet our animals, explore our woodland garden and play in our traditional adventure playground. Our 2018-19 Annual Report will be available to members and supporters.

Entry on the day will be by silver donation to our charity. We’ll also be selling refreshments. Donations of cakes and other bakes are very much appreciated to help us with fundraising. Please let us know if you can help with a cake donation by calling 01733 340605.