Little House fundraising

**Update** Do you see one of your Little House decorated boxes here? Then you’ve won a prize! Come and see a staff member next time you are in. And if you haven’t brought your moneybox back yet there is still time we haven’t counted the final total yet…

little house montage

We are delighted to announce our latest Little House fundraising scheme, which is open to all our supporters to take part in.

You will be asked to pay a nominal fee of 50p and will be given a plastic house moneybox, to take home and fill with spare change and return it to New Ark on/before 31 October 2014. Your 50p will be returned to you on request.

The moneybox comes inside a plain white box which may be decorated and returned to us. We will be offering prizes for the three highest amounts raised by the deadline, and also prizes for decorated boxes returned to us by the deadline

Please consider taking part – with the money raised we will be erecting a sunshade tarpaulin over our sandpit area. Ask Jodie Watson or Abbie Braines for details.

Here’s some of the houses decorated and returned already – they look fab!

boxes 2 boxes